Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee found a very frustrating participant in the Attorney General, who appeared to be no more than yet one more Bush-backing, doublespeak supporter and protector of the current administration; more intent on ‘winning’ than seeking truth or justice.
When asked the simple question, “Has there been any communication between your office and the Whitehouse regarding the destruction of the (CIA) tapes?” he answered, “I don’t understand the question.” What a brilliant legal mind.
Stonewalling, half-truths, and outright lies have been the status quo of this administration and its appointees. And, even at this late stage of the administrations term, it continues. At the heart of the issue is torture; and the possibility of war crime charges and charges of crimes against humanity. Michael Mukasey suggested that ‘certification of authorization’ was a crucial issue, however, the excuse that ‘one was only following orders’ was dismissed years ago – decades ago – as unacceptable at Nuremberg.
Basic standards concerning human rights do not change with circumstance. Nor do they require renewed approval of a particular government or government leader. They are basic rights.
The back-story here – and there always is a back-story – is whether our Justice Department is a department of justice or simply another tool of the White House to mislead, misinform, and protect violators. Can our government investigate itself? I don’t think so. A Special Prosecutor is needed, but won’t be appointed. Deception, secret activities, and blatant disregard for the rule of law will continue – at least while Mukasey is Attorney General – but it will not prevail. Eventually, the truth will come out.
“How far from our moorings we’ve strayed.” remarked Senator Leahy near the close of the meeting. Indeed.
See video: http://geekmetv2.blogspot.com/2008/01/mukasey.html
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