I admit that I didn’t want to believe the allegations, but – as the old adage goes – a picture is worth a thousand words. Here then are three thousand words to consider:

With the News focusing on the economy and the upcoming election it is important that we do not allow other issues to fall by the wayside. This issue is of paramount concern and must be addressed. Emperor Bush may ‘say’ we do not torture, but he lies. We have, shamefully; and we do. But children? Children? What sick minds can even think to defend this barbarism?
For those (and sadly I find the number growing) who say they’re tired of hearing about the war in Iraq, I would suggest you take another look at these pictures. And consider how tired those depicted are of the war. And of us.
This is Democracy in action? This is what America does? And we wonder why they call us ‘the great Satan’?
It is time for Americans to take back our government and our country from the sicko’s who have usurped it. It is time to restore our civil liberties, quit living in fear, and (above all else) hold our government accountable for these crimes against humanity.
1 comment:
Why the people refuse to believe that there are countless atrocities being committed in Iraq, not only from the 'terrorists' side, but by the U.S. Armed Forces is beyond me... War is a dirty dirty 'game', and these days, gone are the valor, the honor and the dignity that came along battles. No, these days it's about revenge, bloodshed and causing as much disaster as possible. What is sickening is that people ignore the truth that is right in front of their very eyes, especially when there are Pictures to Prove It.
How low must mankind go before forever sealing his own demise?!?!?!
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