I recently spent some time perusing a few of the leading 'Christian' magazines and on-line 'zines. I saw a lot on politics, happiness, paths to take to ensure God's blessings, and reasons why 'Christian ministries' should not have to be transparent regarding their financial records.
I saw very little with regard to the war, injustice, hunger, missions which required service to others, or the central message of Jesus - "Love one another as I have loved you."
Before you think otherwise, I am not bashing Christianity, nor Jesus. I'm just wondering why the western world's concept of Christianity is so contradictory and self-serving.
Depending on what poll you choose to accept, between 71% to 83% of adult Americans claim to be Christian - to have a personal relationship with the Creator. Amazing when you think about it (and even when you don't).
One would think they would see some sort of indication (in tangible ways) of this prevailing faith in a country when so many profess such faith. Sadly, one doesn't.
I recently had occasion to hear a popular minister in America discuss 'American Christianity' and the motivations behind the faith. I found it interesting that he used the term 'American Christianity'. American as opposed to what? Non-American Christianity? Strange. Well, on second thought, maybe not. Is it possible that there is a unique brand of Christianity that is strictly 'American'? After some reflection I must concur that there is. Where else can we have such contradictions between what is professed and what is practiced but here in the good old USA.
I am by no means a scholar when it comes to scripture, but I can read. And I recognize the significance, and influence, professions of faith have in this country. (Could a professed athiest have a hope of winning a political seat at the national level in America? How about an agnostic? Or a Jewish President? A Muslim President? Doubtful. Seriously doubtful.) Professions of a personal faith are almost mandatory now for anyone seeking public office. (I suppose that's to reassure those they represent that they won't do anything remotely beneficial for 'them hom'sexual types'.)
Our President is a Christian. He's also a liar. Apparently that's an acceptable mix in America. As are Ministers who preach happiness and personal growth, and wealth and prosperity (and amass great wealth and political influence in the process) but make no mention of 'denying oneself' and following Jesus in a ministry of 'service to others'. It's a perplexing thing this contradictory faith. But, then again we are a contradictory society. We're Christian, but believe in capitalism (even though Jesus said "You cannot serve God and money both"). We say we love peace but wage (or support) more war than any other nation. We claim freedom but submit to near dictatorial control for safety. We claim to support human rights, but we torture others. What is one to think of this?
Could it be that some of those 71% to 83% of Americans are deceived? Or, like our President, are they just lying?
Jesus once said that 'you will know His followers by their fruits'. Just as apple trees don't produce oranges, Christians (regardless of what they 'say') do not pursue wealth over justice, nor war over peace. And they certainly don't torture.
"If any man says he loves God, yet hates his brother, he is a liar. And the truth is not in him."
Aah! It just dawned on me... Perhaps, just perhaps, the term 'American Christian' is used to differentiate between them and real Christians. What do you think?
"Narrow is the way, and few there are that find it."
See: http://geekmetv.blogspot.com/2008/01/martin.html
1 comment:
Brother, and I do mean it when I call you Brother, like all faiths, there are those who only seek to undermine it for personal -read clandestine and evil- reasons.
Any God-fearing human being knows what a faith is about, it's about Hope, Faith, Peace, Order, Stability, Comfort, Love, Justice, Understanding, did I say Hope, and Spiritual Salvation.
Mankind's greatest weakness is undoubtedly himself, for he is not perfect, and can -has- succumb to the darkest sides of evil. Yet, let us not lose hope because some are blinded by materialism, lust and superficial illusions, let us work harder and do our outmost best to follow the righteous path forged by our Prophets... and in the name of the well being of ALL Humankind, especially for our children and future generations.
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