Thursday, January 24, 2008

Broken Government

For some time now I’ve said that the Government is broken; broken and, possibly, beyond repair. This morning the House of Representatives passed an economic stimulus package and were quick to proclaim that it proved the government was not broken. Rep. John Boehner was front and center on CNN proclaiming just that. Ridiculous. What the quick action proves is that our Representatives can act when they want to – or are pressured to – which is, among other things, a rare occurrence.

Whether the economic stimulus package is a viable action or not is not the issue. The issue is that our ineffective, do-nothing Congress, gets no accolades for getting off their collective, self-serving asses, and finally doing (once) their job. It’s what they’re paid (well) to do. Do the citizens of this country pat themselves on the back and grin and postulate – have a photo-op - and applaud themselves for doing their jobs? No. And the average American does his job every day. What’s the real lesson learned here? Elected officials can function when necessary; when pressured? No. It underscores the fact that the Congress (which should have seen the economic mess coming months ago) is a knee-jerk, too little too late, out-of-touch group of elitists idiots. They’re ‘band-aid providers’ in an economy that is beginning to hemorrhage – an economy they created by the way.

Leading economists have expressed serious doubt as to the long-term effectiveness of this stimulus package, and I tend to agree with them. But Pelosi and Boehner, with big smiles and pat’s to their own backs, act as if they accomplished a great thing. I suppose, after crawling on their knees behind Emperor Bush for so long, they’re just excited to realize they actually have feet to stand on.

And the catch phrase of the day – “Right or wrong, at least give us credit for doing ‘something’” – is as stupid and revealing a statement as I’ve ever heard.

Our government is broken – and remains broken. Can we fix it? Yes. This November send everyone in Washington DC home – permanently. It’s time to take back our government, and our country.

1 comment:

M.O.E.C.A.S.H.™ said...

Powerful Words, I pray they resonate in people's minds.