Monday, December 17, 2007
How many laws has Bush broken? [a must see]
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Rep. Wexler Calls for Cheney Impeachment Hearings [VIDEO]
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Bush planned domestic surveillance from the beginning!
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Sunday, December 16, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
No limit to the shame...

"Just two days ago, CIA Director Michael Hayden appeared before our Committee to address the CIA's destruction of videotapes. In that hearing, he committed to providing materials relevant to our investigation. Earlier today, our staff was notified that the Department of Justice has advised CIA not cooperate with our investigation."
"We are stunned that the Justice Department would move to block our investigation. Parallel investigations occur all of the time, and there is no basis upon which the Attorney General can stand in the way of our work."
"We strongly urge General Hayden to comply with our Committee's bipartisan request to produce documents and to make available John Rizzo and Jose Rodriguez for testimony next week. We will use all the tools available to Congress, including subpoenas, to obtain this information and this testimony."
"It's clear that there's more to this story than we have been told, and it is unfortunate that we are being prevented from learning the facts. The Executive Branch can't be trusted to oversee itself. Congress must conduct its own investigation."
Foreign Policy

Col. Muammar al-Qaddafi, at 27 years old, overthrew the King of the United Kingdom of Libya on September 1, 1969. He quickly moved to align himself with the worlds most treacherous leaders, and promoted anti-Western terrorism. His ordered acts of terrorism and death are long and well documented. In 1968 then President Ronald Reagan ordered approximately 66 U.S. aircraft to attack Libya in response to a Libyan supported bombing in Berlin. Since that attack the Colonel, and Libya as a whole, has been virtually ignored, and isolated, by/from most of the world.
In 2003 the Libyan leader stepped back onto the world stage announcing that he would cease pursuit of nuclear weapons and WMD’s and, as an act of good faith, turned over his supply of dated and dried ‘yellow cake’. (2003, it should be noted, is the same year the Colonel ordered the assassination of the head of the Saudi Royal family. The attempt failed.)
So, one might wonder, what’s up with this man that most Western leaders had referred to, and proclaimed, a mad man in the past? A change of heart? An epiphany of sorts that has now transformed him from terrorist to saint? This is the same man who sent agents to blow up Pan Am Flight 103 which killed 270 - Americans, British, and others.
Let’s consider a few things. The UK, in it’s wisdom, immediately decided (with U.S. approval) to reward the former mad man by agreeing to sell him the latest in conventional arms and armament (complete with training by the UK’s own military trainers). Exactly what every former mad man should have; a modern, well-equipped, well-trained Army. In addition, France (again with U.S. approval) has negotiated to build a nuclear power plant in Libya. What more could a former mad man want? Credibility? The U.S. gave that by removing Libya from the list of countries deemed as terrorist or terrorist-supporting.
Of course, Libya’s order of roughly $10 billion in new AirBus aircraft probably went a long way in calming the last few fears any Western leader may have had about his sincerity. And the possible $6.4 billion dollars Westinghouse may receive for its nuclear reactor didn’t hurt either. Ok, his oil (which is plentiful) probably had a bit of influence as well.
But what the heck, let bygones be bygones, after all the Colonel himself said that the government in Libya (which is him) is the truest form of democracy being practiced in the world today. Western leaders apparently agree.
Western foreign policy truly is foreign, isn’t it?
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth

Renewed complaints concerning treatment of detainees/prisoners in U.S. detention facilities have surfaced which allege brutality far worse (and perverted) than previously reported. Still, the administration chooses to remain secretive, and data and documents are not forthcoming. Allegations of rape, torture, and death have been met with stonewalling, denials, and silence.
Congressional leadership – either unwilling or simply due to incompetence – has failed to hold this administration accountable and certainly seems ineffective in securing further information/documentation (including photo’s and video) known to exist.
The ACLU has continued to push for the evidence under the ‘Freedom of Information Act’ but the government remains distant and does not seem willing to cooperate fully.
Eye witnesses have sworn to what can only be considered as barbaric treatment of detainees (some children) including the rape of a young boy.
Controlled or limited access to the detainees by members of the Red Cross – itself an unconscionable and abhorrent act – leads one to assume the government has much to conceal. After all, aren’t they the ones who keep telling us ‘If you have nothing to hide, why worry?’ as they continue to strip away our civil liberties?
In a recent Republican Presidential Candidates debate one of the gentleman refuted John Edwards contention that there are two Americas in existence. He claimed, rather patriotically and with practiced conviction, that there exists only one America. He is wrong. There are indeed two Americas: The America we think exists, and the America that actually does exist.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
'Protect America Act' - Protect who?
Eyes to see and ears to hear.
In 1953 Iran, then a free and democratic nation, was introduced to the ‘Shah’, courtesy of the United States and the CIA. Today, thanks to America’s failed and foolish intervention, Iran is what it is. The Iranian people suffered greatly under the American imposed and supported ‘Shah of Iran’, and for many years. When the people of Iran finally revolted (as people usually do when oppressed by rulers that hold no interest in their welfare) America had once again ‘created’ a new worst enemy.
A half a century later America is in the midst of repeating the same mistake and creating yet another new worst enemy. The government of Iraq, like their U.S. backers, has invested little toward the welfare of the Iraqi people; corruption abounds. Millions upon millions of dollars, and control of untold millions more, has most Iraqi officials at each others throats. Shiite officials now contend with other Shiite officials for control and governance of certain Iraqi assets, and positions of control and influence in certain Ministries. The battle for power (and its accompanying wealth) has permeated this U.S. governed government. Does something smell a little fishy here? No, not fishy, oily.
The bottom line is that the Iraqi people have been left to fend for themselves. With little help from either the U.S. or Iraqi governments, many Iraqi’s have fled to Syria. There, many woman have been forced into prostitution in order to feed their families. The exploitation of the displaced Iraqi’s by the Syrians has been atrocious, but even more atrocious is the complete and total lack of provisions and protections for the Iraqi’s by either their own government or the Coalition leaders.
Fast-forward a few years from now and wonder why the Iraqi people might not view America very favorably.
Are we forever doomed to repeat our failures and continue to create our own worst enemies? The myopic view our government has of the world will prove quite costly in the future, yet again.
Our so-called leaders have said 'they hate us because of our freedoms'. How sanctimonious, and stupid. We have a long history in the Middle East, and it's not a good history.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Rep. Dennis Kucinich
It is now more than obvious that Mr. Bush’s war was not to liberate the Iraqi people from a brutal dictatorship, but to invade and occupy a nation for control of their natural resources. In the agreement signed last Monday, 50,000 U.S. Troops will be based in Iraq for the long term, and the United States will retain a large degree of control over the ‘democratically elected’ Iraqi government.
Is there any other conclusion to be drawn but that this action is no more than colonial-style control of one nation over another for the purpose of exploitation? In less ambiguous words: It's all about the oil.
Liberation, or the war on terror, can no longer be used as the reason for our invasion.
In 1961 then President John Kennedy challenged the American people to land a man on the moon before the end of the decade. In February of 1962 John Glenn orbited the earth three times and just seven years later Neil Armstrong stepped down onto the surface of the moon. The challenge was met. It was a testament to what American determination can accomplish. So why is it that now, in our fifth year of the occupation of Iraq, the Iraqi people are still without running water, reliable electrical power, or adequate medical aid and supplies? Because, sadly, that is not where George Bush’s interests lie. Let’s not deceive ourselves any longer. Freedom for the people of Iraq was never Mr. Bush’s goal. Granted, it was what we were told, but it just doesn’t hold true.
I cannot remember a time in the history of America when the government so blatantly defied the will of the people, and with such arrogance. Make no mistake, these are sad days for America and every American. Our core values and beliefs, our Constitution and civil liberties, our principles and ideals, are being trampled right before our eyes. And all the while, the citizens of Iraq suffer. And they suffer in ways we cannot begin to fathom. These are the people we supposedly went to liberate. These are the people whose freedom, we were told, we went to secure. Yet in real, tangible, practical terms, they are, seemingly, the last concern of those controlling their land.
Before the money brokers, investors, oil sellers and resellers, commodity brokers, policy makers, and governments consider the disposition and control of Iraqi oil, they should look long and hard at the suffering Iraqi people. That is where they will see the real cost of each barrel of the oil they value so much.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Some proclaim war as a noble venture. They lie. It’s not. It is the collapse of reason and civility, and the loss of our humanity. It is usually driven by greed and avarice, by stupid men with small minds; men who lack the intelligence and the will to resolve matters fairly and equitably and are, more likely than not, politicians.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I remember...
He not only called people to action, he instilled in them a desire to be involved; a desire to strive to make the world a better place, and not just for ourselves, but for others.
He was truly a remarkable man.
The world at the time of Robert F. Kennedy was turbulent to say the least. Even so, he remained true to his beliefs and worked to effect change. When he, like his brother John, was assassinated the country once more fell into mourning. Men, women and children wept openly in the streets. The country lined the railroad tracks in the hopes of catching a glimpse of the casket, carried by train from Los Angeles back east, and to pay their respect. So many good men had been taken from us, violently, during those days; John Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, and ‘Bobbie’ (as most referred to Senator Kennedy). Their deaths left the country in despair, and though many continued to ‘fight the good fight’, it was painfully obvious that a unique era in American history was coming to an end.
Would we ever find men such as these again? Could we?
It’s been some time since men like Dr. King and Senator Kennedy stirred the hearts and minds of this nation. It’s been some time since words such as ‘equality and truth and justice and integrity’ have been used by those that seek public office. Fiscal responsibility has replaced social responsibility – or so it would seem. In truth, our so called leaders today are not fiscally responsible, nor socially concerned. Partisanship and personal gain, corporate influences and favoritism, are the mode of today. And, what’s most shocking, is that it is known and accepted, and without shame.
For those who are old enough to remember, these words, spoken by Bobbie’s brother Ted Kennedy, may spark something long dormant in your heart. For those too young to remember the Senator, the words may give you a glimpse of who the man was, and what he stood for. And, hopefully, give insight into a time when Americans truly believed in a society which sought to live up to the ideals it professed.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Consider this...
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Who we are is a choice.
In 1947 Soldiers who had engaged in the use of ‘water boarding’ when interrogating Allied prisoners were convicted of war crimes. There was no hesitation, nor question, in condemning the practice as torture – until now.
I have been amazed (shocked and amazed) by the willingness of some to resort to actions – abhorrent and inhumane – that would be (and have been) quickly condemned when done by others. The relative ease with which values, long held dear, are put aside, replaced by acts universally recognized as barbaric, causes me pause.
King George has said, “We do not torture”. It is a lie. We do torture.
Torture is no less evil, no less abhorrent, and no less a despicable act when we – America - engage in the practice, than when any other nation does. It should be condemned, and those that practice or condone its use should be prosecuted.
Arundhati Roy, the author of “The God of Small Things”, said “once you’ve seen something, you cannot un-see it”. One can pretend they didn’t see, or profess they didn’t know, or deny they had any complicity, but that too is a lie. Silence is as political an act as any other, albeit the most cowardly.
The ideals and values Americans have long espoused hang in the balance. They will be confirmed or denied by our actions or inactions, and we will bear the burden of living with our choices for many years to come. Virtues and values cannot be claimed only when convenient. We, individually and collectively, either hold dear the rights of human beings or we don’t. And our decision regarding human rights will be known, not by our words or proclamations, but by our actions and practices. We cannot claim to be humane while acting inhumane, nor just while acting unjustly. And, we cannot claim to be lovers of freedom while denying others their basic human rights.
Love it or leave it?

I love America so much that I refuse to sit idly by and watch as some – professing a perverse patriotism – attempt to dismantle the very foundations of America. I love the America that was formed to promote ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’; the America that was formed ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people’; land of the free and home of the brave.
I love America.
I resent those that would pervert America for their own personal gain or benefit, or partisan interest. I resent those that would try to weaken America through fear or manipulation or dictate. I resent those that would attempt labeling those that dissent – not only a right but a duty of all citizens – as un-American or unpatriotic. I resent those that, through apathy or indifference or sheer laziness or ignorance, allow others to minimize, subvert, or destroy the rights and freedoms guaranteed to each citizen – regardless of race, creed, color, or anything else - under the Constitution; the Constitution that so many of our forefathers have fought and died to defend.
I love America.
When I look at our flag I cannot help but feel a sense of pride. Within that cloth of stars and stripes I see my Uncle who was in the second wave of troops to land on Omaha Beach; I see my Father who, at 17 years of age, sailed off to war; I see my Brothers who continued that tradition of military service, enlisting during a time of war; I see those that served with me as well, young men from across America who willingly took an oath to ‘defend the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic’. And I see those who did not serve militarily but at home, ensuring that America continued to function. In short, I see Americans; men and women who come from strong stock, from ancestors who cherished freedom and justice and would never bow their heads to any dictatorship, whether at home or abroad. What I do not see when I look at our flag is buildings and offices and bureaucracies and committees. I do not see political parties, secret agendas, corporate interests, political action groups, or politicians. Nor do I see those that violate and betray the decency of our country and its citizenry by abusing others.
America, love it or leave it? I’m here for the duration. Let King George know.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Why? Why? Why?
As cute (or infuriating) as the question can be, the simple “Why?” is, undoubtedly, the single most powerful question one can ask concerning anything; and everything.
“Why is the sky blue?”
“Why can’t I stay up late?”
“Why are we still in Iraq?”
Even if one buys into the lies, misinformation, and false understandings which led to war, the question of why we’re still there needs to be answered.
Is it to establish democracy? Not really, but let’s pretend so. The Iraq Government – elected by the people of Iraq – has repeatedly asked us to leave. They have stated that the fighting will not stop until American forces are gone. American military Commanders have stated repeatedly that the situation in Iraq cannot be resolved militarily. So, the question is, “Why are we still there?” Another question one might ask is, “What good is a democracy in Iraq if we do not allow that democracy to self-govern?”
And, what has happened to democracy in America when, clearly, the vast majority of Americans want us out of Iraq yet our Government ignores the ‘will of the people’ and pursues it’s own agenda? ‘…of the People, by the People, and for the People…’ are words not to be dismissed nor ignored no matter what any ‘Decider’ may think. Either America (and Americans) is (are) free, or it (and we) are not. Emperor George has failed his oath of office. He has done so intentionally, and with great vigor. Why, why, why, is he still President? Why is Dick Cheney still Vice-President? Both swore an oath to defend the Constitution, but both failed to do so; and, in fact, have worked to weaken and subvert the Constitution.
I just wanted to say that outright before the Senate and the Emperor sign off on H.R. 1955 which will make it illegal to advocate such things.
Oh, in case you’re wondering why we are still in Iraq, consider the following possibility:
(A sticker of this artwork has been circulating around the Bay Area in California. I will research and credit the Artist as soon as I determine who he/she is. Incredible piece of work.)
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Moe is an Iraqi born Muslim living in Canada. He’s a songwriter, rapper, music-mixer, and ‘on air’ personality. But there’s a lot more to Moe than just his musical talents. He’s a man of conviction and passion; a man with a good heart; a true humanitarian.
I would encourage everyone to check him out on or at his blog at If hip-hop isn’t your musical preference, don’t worry – he’s been known to spin some R&B, Motown, and other things as well on occasion. And, if your nice, he just may take a request or two.
Check him out. You’ll have a good time, and you just might learn something too if you pay attention.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
H.R. 1955

A breakdown of those votes can be viewed at:
The Resolution can be read in its entirety by simply Google-searching ‘HR 1955’. I encourage you to do exactly that.
It is the Constitution which establishes a ‘government of the People, by the People, and for the People’. The same Constitution which the noted Representatives took a solemn oath to defend, they now willingly seek to undermine. In case they’ve forgotten, I offer a simple reminder:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
America is not a land of Rulers lording it over the populace. It is a land where the will of ‘the People’ reigns supreme and ‘Representatives serve’ that will. Otherwise, it is not America at all.
[A personal note of Thanks to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-California, for being the sole dissenting vote from the State of California.]
Rep. Christopher Carney [D-PA]
Del. Donna Christensen [D-VI]
Rep. Yvette Clarke [D-NY]
Rep. Charles Dent [R-PA]
Rep. Norman Dicks [D-WA]
Rep. Al Green [D-TX]
Rep. James Langevin [D-RI]
Rep. Zoe Lofgren [D-CA]
Rep. Nita Lowey [D-NY]
Rep. Daniel Lungren [R-CA]
Rep. Ed Perlmutter [D-CO]
Rep. Ted Poe [R-TX]
Rep. Dave Reichert [R-WA]
Rep. Bennie Thompson [D-MS]
Monday, November 19, 2007
Go Navy!
This has nothing to do with Academy football or any other inter-service competition. It has to do with something far more important. It has to do with honor, integrity, and honesty.
Unlike his Army peers, Admiral Fallon, CENTCOM Commander, did not wait for retirement and pension approval to speak his mind. He voiced his opinion and encouraged others not to engage in wordplay such as threatening 'World War III' if Iran doesn't comply with U.S. wishes or demands - such as Georgie Bush did. He also encouraged diplomatic processes rather than threats and ultimatums. Wow. Now this is a Commander - a real Commander - not a suck up, brown nosing butt kisser.
So, again I say, 'Go Navy!' And a well deserved salute to the Admiral is thrown in as well.
Our armed services need more men like the Admiral. He truly is a man of valor. And God knows we could use more men of valor.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Thought you should know...
American Wounded 28,451
American Dead 3,863
Iraqi Dead 1,109,934 (estimated)
Iraqi’s Displaced 2 Million plus (estimated)
Cost of War 1.6 Trillion (USD)
(as of 11-13-07)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Brian Ross (ABC News) reported on Charities involved (supposedly) in aiding Veterans. There were some big name, well known, organizations listed that rated a big, fat ‘F’. The F rating was given to organizations which provided less than 35% of their revenue to actually assisting Veterans. As a member of the PVA I was quite shocked to see the big red F stamped over the PVA logo during the broadcast. Was this true?
I looked up the financial statements on-line. Hmmm… Disturbing. But, the same couldn’t possibly be true of my Chapter (Bay Area & Western – Palo Alto, California) of the PVA. Could it? Another on-line review of financial statements added to my depression. It was worse than the National PVA’s Consolidated Statements.
With $699,728.00 in assets, the Chapter’s largest expenses were Compensation, Fundraising, Conferences and Travel, and Office Supplies. How much went to needy Veteran’s? How much?
The Financial Statements can be reviewed on-line at:
Shameful. Truly, shameful.
'General'ly Stupid
People are dying.
More people will die.
This man was in charge of our troops for a time. Was that what he communicated to the Soldiers? Relax?
Is that what he would tell the wounded and maimed in our VA Medical Centers? Relax?
Did he tell the families of our fallen Soldiers the same thing? Relax?
Did he tell the innocents in Iraq to relax too?
How does this man’s mind work? - or not work?
If I could thank God for only one thing today, it would be that Abazaid is no longer Commanding troops.
God help us if any other Commanders still in uniform share his view or have his attitude.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Just a thought...
Friday, October 19, 2007
Aah! Couldn't have said it better.
read more digg story
Outed CIA operative Valerie Plame: 'Serious damage' from leak
read more | digg story
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Martin Lee Anderson
A fourteen year old is dead. Dead.
And, no one – according to a Florida jury – is responsible. No one.
He was alive when taken to the Boot Camp. Now, he’s dead. Dead.
And, no one is responsible. No one.
How does that make any sense?
The video which captured the ‘smack-down’ by numerous uniformed men was seen across the country. It was shocking.
The video of the Judge reading the jury’s verdict was seen across the country too. It too, was shocking. Unbelievable and shocking.
A fourteen year old is dead. Dead.
And, no one is responsible. No one.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
LTG Ricardo Sanchez
Friday, October 12, 2007
America - in review
Our social conscious is gone. Period. We have no defense, and there is no rationale that can – in any way, shape, or form – justify our actions and our inactions. History is replete with unacceptable excuses offered by societies in vain attempts to justify atrocities committed. They just don’t fly. They never have, and they never will.
Do we think we’re the exception? Apparently so, but it’s not true. We aren’t exempt. Human decency is not a uniquely American virtue. And, even if it were, it would no longer be, given this perverse administration’s actions. Lies, deceptions, half truths - It’s enough already. Enough!
No American who has read a newspaper or watched a television newscast can excuse themselves. We are, one and all, without excuse. And each day that passes by that we don’t demand accountability, is another day of complicity. How will history recount our society’s behavior? How will history record what we have done? – and haven’t done?
Every virtuous or noble ideal that we once held dear now serves to condemn us. We have traded our values, our beliefs, and in many ways, our souls, for a false sense of security. What does that say of us? What will history say of us? We are not the only ones who record and document events. Historians world-wide will write – as they always do – of the events that occurred during this period. And they will do so without a politically partisan perspective. Facts will be documented, occurrences noted, and actions recorded. What picture of America will that paint? A land which claims such high ideals yet acts in ways so contrary to those ideals that it defies logic? What other picture can be portrayed?
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
As you were...
In an interview last week he voiced his opinion(s) regarding Iraq. First, he said that leaving Iraq would be a mistake. Later, (in the same interview) he stated that we would be forced to withdraw our troops in 18 months. This, he said, would be out of necessity from over-taxing our troops.
Am I the only one confused by this double-speak? If we’ll be forced to withdraw our troops in 18 months (out of necessity), why not withdraw now? What does this General “P” think we’ll accomplish in the next 18 months that we haven’t been able to accomplish in the past few years? And why would he think a tired and worn force would be able to accomplish something that couldn’t be accomplished when they were less tired and worn?
The news is replete with Generals and their opinions lately. It’s almost enough to make me gag. How wise they seem to be ‘following retirement and pension approval’ – or, at least they try to appear wise and thoughtful once on the CNN payroll or ‘paid talk circuit’. Such wisdom, I suppose, comes only after retirement it seems. It’s a shame that these men can’t find their voice while in command of our troops. If they could, perhaps the death toll wouldn’t be so high, nor the list of injured so exhaustive. The late Colonel Hackworth (a true American hero) was right in referring to these men as ‘perfumed princes’, more concerned with their careers than their troops. Would that they be ‘wise’ when it mattered – when it would make a difference.
There’s an old saying: “Opinions are like Generals. Every President has some, and they all stink”. Wait, did I get that right? Hmm… Get back to me in 18 months.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
He said, “in movie terms, we’re losing at the box-office. We’re not filling the seats.”
There are many reasons why the Republican Party is on shaky ground. Some may say it’s (Georgie) Bush, the Religious Right’s influence over the Party, the Iraq War, the Economy, or the embarrassing sex scandals involving GOP Representatives. To be sure, these all play a part in the general dissatisfaction with the Party, however; I believe the problem is rooted in the ‘abandonment of the Party’s core values’ and the isolation many Republican’s felt as they watched their Party – usurped by an almost fanatical group of extremists – pursue interests and goals to the detriment of the Party’s interests.
Like non-Republican citizens, Republicans were swept aside when their support of the current administration waivered. They too, finally, felt the abandon the Bush regime offers to those that don’t (without question or pause) support their every action. They were betrayed. The Republican Party was betrayed. They, like the rest of America, were lied to, taken advantage of, and (finally) discarded by the administration. The true meaning of the ‘if you’re not for us, you’re against us’ attitude of the Bush administration was finally realized.
This administration has placed itself above the law, weakened the Constitution, lied (repeatedly) to the citizens of this country, destroyed our credibility in the international community, engaged in torture and illegal imprisonment and waged an unnecessary war while amassing enormous debt… The list of atrocities goes on and on and on. Did the average Republican believe he/she was somehow exempt from the actions of this ‘out of control’ administration? That they, by virtue of their party affiliation, would suffer no ill effects?
In truth, this administration no more represents the average Republican than it does any other citizen. It represents itself, and its self-serving interests. It would be easy to point a finger at the Republicans and shout “ You voted for him! You supported him! You elected him!”, but that would be unfair. Who could have predicted such arrogance and deceit from an American President? To be betrayed by an enemy is expected. To be betrayed by someone you trust is painful. And make no mistake, the Republican Party has been betrayed.
It is time for Americans to come together; to put the needs of our country above Party interests. Repairing the damage done will require the participation of all Americans. Party affiliation aside, we are first and foremost citizens of America. It is our country, and we need to take back control of it.
Oh, just so you know, Democrats aren’t all that thrilled with their Party’s leadership either.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Tears, Tears, Tears...
In the book -it's reported - the Prez reveals that he cries on God's shoulder - often. Hmmm. I haven't heard such a gut-renching, tear-jerking story since... Well, since the Prez's father revealed that he 'grieves' when he hears people criticized his son. Sad, so sad. Not!
If the Bush's would care to see real grieving, or tears, they might consider spending some time with the 3,700 plus families of our fallen soldiers.
Sympathy for Georgie and his Dad? Sorry, not today.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Some things bear repeating...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
In his State of the Union address he said 'we' have to control spending. Now, he's asking for $50 Billion more for Iraq (to continue funding 'the surge'). $50 Billion! That's in addition to the money already budgeted for the war (about $460 Billion), and in addition to the $147 Billion of 'supplemental funding' previously requested. Is the man insane? Is Congress insane? Or are 'we' insane for allowing this to continue? (Answer: All of the above.)
What will it take - honestly - before we stand up and say "No!" to this insanity?
Monday, August 27, 2007
Aah! Technology!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
No Child Left Behind?
Priorities. It’s the same amount ‘added’ to his aid package to Israel, and the cost (conservatively) of waging the war in Iraq for two and one half months.
Conclusion: Foreign Aid – Ok. War – Ok. Healthcare for America’s children – No way.
Way to go Georgie boy. If ever our 'do nothing Congress' wanted a cause to fight for, might I suggest they look at this issue.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
News Notes
U.S. military suggests/recommends considering the Draft. "It's worth a look." top adviser says.
Tours of duty in Iraq continue to be extended.
U.S. Military suicide rate highest in 26 years.
Fed cuts interest in effort to aid Wall Street.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
In just a few minutes, as if some unheard signal had sounded, the bar began to fill. I assumed it was the ‘just off of work crowd’. The stools and tables filled up quickly.
“Mind if we sit with you?”
I looked up to see a young couple, drinks in hand.
“Sure. Have a seat.”
They dropped down on the chairs opposite me and introduced themselves. After a few moments of awkward small talk their eyes turned to the television. Wolfe Blitzer in the Situation Room.
“So, what do you think of this war?” I asked.
“We support the troops.” the young woman replied.
“What’s that?”
“We support the troops.” she repeated, her partner nodding in agreement.
It’s a phrase I hear a lot, but don’t understand. “What does that mean?”
They stared at me, wide-eyed, but silent.
“I mean, specifically, what does it mean when someone says they support the troops?”
“Well… Regardless of, you know… Regardless of what someone thinks about the war, you still have to support the troops.” the young man answered. This time the young lady was nodding her agreement.
I decided to nod in return. “But, what does that mean?”
Silence. Their faces flushed slightly as they looked at one another then back to me.
“Just curious.” I sipped at my beer.
“Do you support the troops?” the young lady asked, a bit defensively.
“Yes. I do. I definitely do.”
The woman’s eyebrows arched high on her forehead and she gave me a look that reminded me of the look my Grandmother would give me when I was a child. It was a combination “I told you so/There you go then” look. And, of course, if was accompanied by another slow nodding of her head.
“That’s why I think they should come home. Tomorrow. If not sooner.”
They stared at one another then back at me. They both frowned.
“You agree, don’t you? I mean, you said you supported the troops. Right?”
“I don’t know about that.” The young man looked thoughtful. “I mean…” He sighed.
“When we say we support the troops we mean that they should be given everything they need.” the woman interjected.
“Right.” the young man said.
“I agree. And what they need most is to come home.” I replied.
The young man grinned. “Just like that, huh? Just pack up and leave?”
“Pretty much.” I signaled the bartender for another round.
“But if we just leave… All those soldiers would have died in vain.”
“Soldiers never die in vain.” I replied. “They die following orders. They die defending themselves and their fellow soldiers. They die fulfilling their oath. They die doing what their country has odered them to do. But, they never die in vain.”
“But if we just… leave, then… What was the point of going over there in the first place?”
“Exactly. Good question. What was the point of going over there in the first place?” I asked.
“Oh, well…” He waved his hand in the air as if shooing a fly away. “I don’t get into politics. One side says this the other side says that…” He sighed again. “It’s confusing.”
“You can’t tell who’s telling the truth.” the young woman chimed in. “It is confusing. It gives me a headache.”
“I know.” I replied. “That’s why I think we need to bring our troops home now. Until we figure it out.”
“You know, I don’t think we’ll ever know the truth; never figure it out. It’s politics, you know?”
“Well, we can’t leave them there forever.”
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore. It’s depressing.” the young lady remarked.
I noticed an iPhone jutting up from her purse. “So what do you think of the iPhone?” I asked.
“I love it!” she exclaimed.
“It is fantastic!” her partner agreed.
They pulled their phones out and showed me the features. Their fingers moved quickly and I watched as they showed me pictures, browsed the internet, and tried to teach me about the operation of the sleek, shiny phone.
“It is impressive.” For some reason I began to grow depressed.
Three thousand six hundred plus Americans are dead. Tens of thousands wounded, maimed. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens dead. Twelve billion dollars a month spent on a war to which many are, sadly, indifferent.
I sipped at my beer and watched the young couple show me yet more features on their phones. It is a pretty slick gadget. I shook their hands, settled up with the bartender, and headed for home. I watched the pedestrian traffic as I strolled through the City. There was little that indicated we were a country at war, or that our government was spending us into an economic disaster. When did we become so casual, so cavalier, about something as devastating as war?
I thought of a blog post by a young soldier in Iraq. Basically, he just described his day. Tired, hot, always on edge. Never enough sleep. Scared and wanting to come home. Fiercely proud of his fellow soldiers and hoping no more buddies would be killed or injured. A hell of a situation to send a young man into. A hell of a situation to keep him in while we try to decide what we should do.
If Chelsea Clinton or the Bush girls were there, or even one of Romney's sons, would they still need to think much longer about what to do or how to do it? Doubtful.
We have abused those courageous enough to serve. Our government has abused them and betrayed them, and we as a nation have allowed it to happen. By our silence and indifference and fear we have allowed an ignorant cowboy and his cronies to have their way. We have allowed them to run roughshod over the Constitution and our civil liberties, wage war, and destroy our standards of morality by illegal imprisonment and the use of torture.
We should all be ashamed. But we should also all stand up and, finally, say “Enough.”
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Wake up.
It is an enormous mistake for Democrats to assume the last election was simply a message sent to Republicans - it was a message to all self-serving 'public servants'. Granted, I voted against Republicans during the last election. But I intend to vote against certain Democrats in the upcoming election (Pelosi being chief among the Dem's who will not get my vote). Americans are just sick to death of our inept government (Republican and Democrat alike).
At times I feel like I'm living in a foreign country. Where has America gone? We have no [mainstream] free Press, diminishing civil rights, and an economic disaster [if not collapse] looming on the horizon; yet all I hear are politicos debating the same issues they've been debating for decades. How can anyone take any of them seriously?
George Bush and Company have done almost irreparable damage from which I'm not sure we can ever truly recover; damage both domestically and internationally. These are, indeed, dangerous times we live in, and it's high time we held our elected officials accountable for both their actions and inaction.
Running on empty
"Everything you say is true and more so; but I honestly believe the people will wake up and the shamed press will begin to do its job again; we have been taken by the pigmies; the right wing talking heads and a president who could care less about the u.s. constitution, but I believe there is always hope and we should all be in the streets again; bush has had an easy ride. To this moment he will not say why he went to war, killed so many people, because whatever the reason it is unacceptable-don't despair but I agree we're running on empty now" - helent
Truly, she is wise beyond her years.
Monday, August 13, 2007
When did we (America) become so - complacent? Indifferent? Uncaring? It frightens me sometimes. Really, it does. I truly think our country may be broken - and possibly beyond repair. (Not that anyone is really trying to repair it.) The Democrats in D.C. are equally as bad (and culpable) as the Republicans. Both are self-serving; more concerned with reelection than doing their jobs. I think the only difference between the two parties - that I can see - is that Democrats sex scandals usually involve women.
Friday, August 10, 2007
As a younger man - part of the generation who opposed the Viet Nam war, received the right to vote at 18, and fought for Civil Rights - I valued the investigative, fact based, unbiased reporting of dedicated and ethical Journalists. That was when 'news' actually was news and not packaged entertainment or propaganda disguised as news. And news consisted of, as [Dragnet] Joe Friday would say, "The facts, M'am. Just the facts."
I fear for the younger generation. They have grownup without the advantage of a true free Press - also, diminishing civil liberties and an apathetic, self-serving government.
(Continued at the expanded blog - see blogroll.)
Monday, February 12, 2007
News Brief
President Bush's budget includes increasing fees/charges/co-payments for medical care to Veterans. Amazing. Disgraceful, shameful, but amazing. How does one justify cutting medical benefits and care to Veterans during a time of war?
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
(if only)Georgie Porgie had a pie(chart)...
“To help pay for nearly $2 trillion in tax cuts over the next ten years, the budget cuts Medicare by $252 billion over ten years without reinvesting those savings in Medicare or other health program improvements, and imposes net legislative cuts of $28 billion over ten years to Medicaid. Meanwhile, appropriated funding for the Department of Education is cut by $1.5 billion below the 2007 level, the budget for the Environmental Protection Agency is cut by $509 million, and the budget imposes $4.9 billion over ten years in new fees on veterans.”
(Source: Congressman Mike Honda - 15th District - California)
Monday, February 5, 2007
Teaching an old dog new tricks
Worth a thousand words
Will the real George Bush please stand up - and go away.
Perhaps Chicken Little was right. The sky is falling. Time will tell. Meanwhile, it's becoming painfully obvious that the Emperor (Georgie Bush) truly has no clothes - or scrupples, honor, integrity, honesty - *Heavy sigh* Alas, what would Jesus say?
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Florida - The tragedy may be yet to come.
Of course, the Govenor spoke with President Bush - who assured Jeb's replacement that federal help would be provided. Hmm... If the Floridians are standing in line behind the citizens of New Orleans, they could be in for a very, very long wait.
You remember New Orleans, right? Katrina? (If only the Fed's did.) Of course, in defense of the Government, we are busy destoying/rebuilding/destroying/rebuilding Iraq. I guess America will just have to wait. Hmmm... It's the 'compassionate consevative's' way, I guess.