Renewed complaints concerning treatment of detainees/prisoners in U.S. detention facilities have surfaced which allege brutality far worse (and perverted) than previously reported. Still, the administration chooses to remain secretive, and data and documents are not forthcoming. Allegations of rape, torture, and death have been met with stonewalling, denials, and silence.
Congressional leadership – either unwilling or simply due to incompetence – has failed to hold this administration accountable and certainly seems ineffective in securing further information/documentation (including photo’s and video) known to exist.
The ACLU has continued to push for the evidence under the ‘Freedom of Information Act’ but the government remains distant and does not seem willing to cooperate fully.
Eye witnesses have sworn to what can only be considered as barbaric treatment of detainees (some children) including the rape of a young boy.
Controlled or limited access to the detainees by members of the Red Cross – itself an unconscionable and abhorrent act – leads one to assume the government has much to conceal. After all, aren’t they the ones who keep telling us ‘If you have nothing to hide, why worry?’ as they continue to strip away our civil liberties?
In a recent Republican Presidential Candidates debate one of the gentleman refuted John Edwards contention that there are two Americas in existence. He claimed, rather patriotically and with practiced conviction, that there exists only one America. He is wrong. There are indeed two Americas: The America we think exists, and the America that actually does exist.
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