Saturday, September 8, 2007


Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, stating the obvious, spoke to a very quiet crowd of Republicans. He voiced concern about the future of his party and encouraged a more ‘moderate’ position.
He said, “in movie terms, we’re losing at the box-office. We’re not filling the seats.”
There are many reasons why the Republican Party is on shaky ground. Some may say it’s (Georgie) Bush, the Religious Right’s influence over the Party, the Iraq War, the Economy, or the embarrassing sex scandals involving GOP Representatives. To be sure, these all play a part in the general dissatisfaction with the Party, however; I believe the problem is rooted in the ‘abandonment of the Party’s core values’ and the isolation many Republican’s felt as they watched their Party – usurped by an almost fanatical group of extremists – pursue interests and goals to the detriment of the Party’s interests.
Like non-Republican citizens, Republicans were swept aside when their support of the current administration waivered. They too, finally, felt the abandon the Bush regime offers to those that don’t (without question or pause) support their every action. They were betrayed. The Republican Party was betrayed. They, like the rest of America, were lied to, taken advantage of, and (finally) discarded by the administration. The true meaning of the ‘if you’re not for us, you’re against us’ attitude of the Bush administration was finally realized.
This administration has placed itself above the law, weakened the Constitution, lied (repeatedly) to the citizens of this country, destroyed our credibility in the international community, engaged in torture and illegal imprisonment and waged an unnecessary war while amassing enormous debt… The list of atrocities goes on and on and on. Did the average Republican believe he/she was somehow exempt from the actions of this ‘out of control’ administration? That they, by virtue of their party affiliation, would suffer no ill effects?
In truth, this administration no more represents the average Republican than it does any other citizen. It represents itself, and its self-serving interests. It would be easy to point a finger at the Republicans and shout “ You voted for him! You supported him! You elected him!”, but that would be unfair. Who could have predicted such arrogance and deceit from an American President? To be betrayed by an enemy is expected. To be betrayed by someone you trust is painful. And make no mistake, the Republican Party has been betrayed.
It is time for Americans to come together; to put the needs of our country above Party interests. Repairing the damage done will require the participation of all Americans. Party affiliation aside, we are first and foremost citizens of America. It is our country, and we need to take back control of it.
Oh, just so you know, Democrats aren’t all that thrilled with their Party’s leadership either.

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