Friday, August 10, 2007


C-Span's recent broadcasts of Bill Moyer and Dean Baquet were interesting and thought provoking. The broadcasts were also depressing. The future of a 'free and unbridled Press' seems bleak. Of course, I'm referring to 'old media' - internet reporting seems the logical progression and is without restriction (at least at the moment).
As a younger man - part of the generation who opposed the Viet Nam war, received the right to vote at 18, and fought for Civil Rights - I valued the investigative, fact based, unbiased reporting of dedicated and ethical Journalists. That was when 'news' actually was news and not packaged entertainment or propaganda disguised as news. And news consisted of, as [Dragnet] Joe Friday would say, "The facts, M'am. Just the facts."
I fear for the younger generation. They have grownup without the advantage of a true free Press - also, diminishing civil liberties and an apathetic, self-serving government.

(Continued at the expanded blog - see blogroll.)

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