The month of May proved 'interesting' if nothing else. Here's just a sampling of... happenings which occurred. (I'd wager,most Americans know nothing about any of this.)
1) Congress voted down an Amendment to the NDAA which would have ended the governments right of indefinite detention = which includes American citizens.
2) The O'Bama administration is pushing Congress to renew FISA. The administration is 'specifically' asking for authorization to continue wire-tapping U.S. citizens.
3) A Malaysian Tribunal reluctantly agreed to hear charges brought by American activist groups - charges of War Crimes and Crimes against humanity by the Bush Administration. Using their own words (as published in their books), Bush, Chaney, Rumsfeld and others were found guilty. Of course, the Tribunals decision will have no effect on Bush or others. Symbolically, however, it's a step in the right direction.
4) 250,000+ Canadians stepped out onto the streets to protest Canada's new 'Anti-Protesting' law. (Go Canadians!)
5) Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans threw their medals away at the NATO Summit in Chicago.
6) Protests against Government austerity measures have grown across the world, but have been ignored by both Media and Governments.
7) AFROCOM (the U.S. Military Command operating in Africa - an initiative of Mr. Rumsfeld) is initiating a Troop build-up - which includes a Division of U.S. Combat Soldiers. When AFRICOM first started it was said their primary goal was to aid humanitarian efforts (digging wells and building schools). Now, however, the stated primary goal is to protect American investments and interest. (Ah, that 'noble' first foot in the door...)
8) Drones will be used by Police Departments in major cities in America by 2015 according to Senior Officials in Washington. It was stated that the move is a cost-effective one 'to ensure public safety'.
1) Congress voted down an Amendment to the NDAA which would have ended the governments right of indefinite detention = which includes American citizens.
2) The O'Bama administration is pushing Congress to renew FISA. The administration is 'specifically' asking for authorization to continue wire-tapping U.S. citizens.
3) A Malaysian Tribunal reluctantly agreed to hear charges brought by American activist groups - charges of War Crimes and Crimes against humanity by the Bush Administration. Using their own words (as published in their books), Bush, Chaney, Rumsfeld and others were found guilty. Of course, the Tribunals decision will have no effect on Bush or others. Symbolically, however, it's a step in the right direction.
4) 250,000+ Canadians stepped out onto the streets to protest Canada's new 'Anti-Protesting' law. (Go Canadians!)
5) Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans threw their medals away at the NATO Summit in Chicago.
6) Protests against Government austerity measures have grown across the world, but have been ignored by both Media and Governments.
7) AFROCOM (the U.S. Military Command operating in Africa - an initiative of Mr. Rumsfeld) is initiating a Troop build-up - which includes a Division of U.S. Combat Soldiers. When AFRICOM first started it was said their primary goal was to aid humanitarian efforts (digging wells and building schools). Now, however, the stated primary goal is to protect American investments and interest. (Ah, that 'noble' first foot in the door...)
8) Drones will be used by Police Departments in major cities in America by 2015 according to Senior Officials in Washington. It was stated that the move is a cost-effective one 'to ensure public safety'.
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