With Admiral Fallon (CENTCOM Commander) out of the way and off to retirement George Bush has, seemingly, an open field to go ahead with his desire to invade Iran. Certainly those he has chosen to surround him are unlikely to voice any opposition; 'Yes men' never do.
Admiral Fallon opposed invading Iran openly, stating it would "never happen on his watch". Voices of reason, and opposition, do not fair well with the Bush Regime. Apparently you are either with him or against him. Fully two-thirds of Americans (and the number is growing) are clearly against him when it comes to the war in Iraq; even more oppose the invasion of Iran. This, of course, matters very little to Emperor George. It's his way or his way, and that's all there is to it.
In recent speeches and press releases he has already equated Iran with the terrorists, sprinkled in a few spoonfuls of WMD's, and stated that Bin Laden's crew would get 'our oil' in Iraq. Fear tactics abound and promise to increase.
While the majority of Americans sigh a sigh of relief realizing that Georgie-boy will soon be out of office, it is a nervous sigh. There are still quite a few days between now and his departure and a great deal of damage can still be done.
Would Congress allow such an action? At their own peril I would suppose. Would Georgie-boy even ask their approval or (as he's done so many times already) would he 'assume more power and authority' and simply circumvent Congress and the Constitution?
For those of you who pray, I suggest you start. For those of you who don't, I suggest you learn.
[A sincere 'Thank you' to Admiral Fallon not only for his service, but for his courage and valor as well. Our Armed Forces and our Nation are sure to miss him.]
1 comment:
I think the Bush & Dick Empire will do anything in its evil grasp to get what it wants... and it's been hinting for a very long time it wants to wage war against Iran. I pray they don't get their way this time around, otherwise World War 3 might just be around the corner. GOD FORBID.
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