Amar Bakshi, Washington Post Reporter, took a year to travel the world in an attempt to determine the world's 'Youth Opinion' of America. It was a rather daring project, and the information gained was rather startling. C-SPAN aired a pesentation by Mr. Bakshi followed by a Q&A period. A video can be seen at and/or
As a young reporter, Mr. Bakshi showed remarkable insight into todays youths concerns, politics, and opinions. And his analysis of these was quite insightful and in-depth as well. At the core of Mr. Bakshi's findings was a perceived threat from America against Islam. Many Islamic youth around the world see at least some validity to the notion that America is out to destroy Islam - and on a worldwide scale.
Bobby Kennedy, during a speech in South Africa, once said: "Governments oppress their people." It's a truth that has existed for quite a long time. America is not the only nation to 'slant the news' or manipulate the facts surrounding a particular event or movement - it's a worldwide practice and a dilemma for all. Each nation has their own political agenda and those that manipulate their populace in accordance with that agenda. A young Muslim in the U.K. may perceive the detainment of Muslim's by the U.S. one way, a young Muslim in Pakistan may view the matter in an entirely different way. A great deal is dependent upon the local issues and concerns these youth may be dealing with, and the political agendas active in his/her neighborhood.
It should come as no surprise to anyone that the view of America held by most young Muslims is overwhelmingly negative. There is a perceived threat from America against Islam and, therefore, against them personally. American politico's are aware of this and are desperate to find ways to improve America's image around the world - as are American business leaders. To date, they have failed miserably. It's difficult, and in this case impossible, to convince someone of America's 'goodness' when all they see and hear and experience scream otherwise.
The Bush Regime may claim we are 'establishing democracy' in the Middle East, but that is not the perception held by the youth throughout the Middle East. It may be what what was 'sold' to Americans, but it's not being 'bought' by young Muslims elsewhere in the world.
During Mr. Bakshi's presentation, a number of disturbing trends were brought to light that, I'm sure, most Americans are completely unaware of. One was that most of the world is not intimidated by America's 'Super Power' status. Another is that Americas intervention anywhere, regardless of its purpose or intent, is overwhelmingly viewed as bad. But, the most startling revelation - at least to me - was that the Muslim youth of the world now tend to view America as 'evil' - not just bad, or self-serving, or corrupt, but 'evil'. Additionally, they also no longer perceive a difference between the American government and the American people - to them, it's one in the same. It doesn't matter that two thirds of the American people oppose the war in Iraq - America is there, waging war, occupying - and promises to continue to do so. Afterall, we are a democracy, 'of the people, by the people, and for the people', aren't we? Doesn't a democratic nation reflect the will of the people? Maybe not according to the Bush family, or Dick Cheney's group, but the rest of the world thinks so.
This is an issue of concern which ranks right up there with global warming, poverty and hunger, and any other global concern you may have. It's an issue which needs to be addressed immediately - and slick, Madison Avenue-type sales pitches won't suffice. There needs to be genuine concern, genuine effort, and fair and equitable actions taken. American interests must be viewed on a global scale and recognize the interests of other nations and peoples as well.
Arundhati Roy, the Indian writer/activist once said that change will not occur until "America recognizes that a world exists beyond its borders". There's a great truth in these words that we must recognize before we, as a nation, can hope to effectively turn the tide of anti-Americanism which is growing at an alarming rate all over the globe. We cannot just wave our flag, pound a drum, and arbitrarily proclaim America is 'right'. We, as a nation and a people, must really examine the facts and seek the truth of what our government and multi-national corporations have done (and are doing) throughout the world - and the results of such actions. We must demand accountability from those in charge, and we must be willing to not only recognize, but admit, errors we may have made.
The Muslim youth of the world perceive America as a personal threat. It's a perception we must recognize and deal with. We must do so honestly and fairly, and in genuine good faith. A good start might be to quit trying to tell Muslims what the Koran says, or explain its meaning to them. It's an arrogant and condescending and stupid thing to do.
Muslims know what 'extremists' are. They also know what is and isn't correct interpretations of the Koran. Christianity has extremists too. It has narrow-minded, bigotted, racist members as well. True Christians recognize those who misinterpret scripture or manipulate scripture for personal gain - or control of political groups. And, before it's voiced that 'Christian extremists' don't blow things up, remember back to the days when abortion clinics, and Doctors and Nurses, were reduced to dust and rubble. There are extremists in every group. We cannot demonize an entire faith due to the actions of a few - otherwise, we, personally, must assume responsibility for the actions of Bush and Cheney, and their cronies, who have manipulated and perverted our Constitution, lied, tortured, killed, and completely ignored the will of the American people.
It is time for real change in America.
I suggest we begin with a truthful, honest, examination of our actions around the globe.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Full Speed Ahead?

With Admiral Fallon (CENTCOM Commander) out of the way and off to retirement George Bush has, seemingly, an open field to go ahead with his desire to invade Iran. Certainly those he has chosen to surround him are unlikely to voice any opposition; 'Yes men' never do.
Admiral Fallon opposed invading Iran openly, stating it would "never happen on his watch". Voices of reason, and opposition, do not fair well with the Bush Regime. Apparently you are either with him or against him. Fully two-thirds of Americans (and the number is growing) are clearly against him when it comes to the war in Iraq; even more oppose the invasion of Iran. This, of course, matters very little to Emperor George. It's his way or his way, and that's all there is to it.
In recent speeches and press releases he has already equated Iran with the terrorists, sprinkled in a few spoonfuls of WMD's, and stated that Bin Laden's crew would get 'our oil' in Iraq. Fear tactics abound and promise to increase.
While the majority of Americans sigh a sigh of relief realizing that Georgie-boy will soon be out of office, it is a nervous sigh. There are still quite a few days between now and his departure and a great deal of damage can still be done.
Would Congress allow such an action? At their own peril I would suppose. Would Georgie-boy even ask their approval or (as he's done so many times already) would he 'assume more power and authority' and simply circumvent Congress and the Constitution?
For those of you who pray, I suggest you start. For those of you who don't, I suggest you learn.
[A sincere 'Thank you' to Admiral Fallon not only for his service, but for his courage and valor as well. Our Armed Forces and our Nation are sure to miss him.]
broken government,
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