Saturday, June 22, 2013

" It is getting to the point where the mark of international distinction and service to humanity is no longer the Nobel Peace Prize, but an espionage indictment from the US DOJ." says Julian Assange.

This may not sit well with some, but it seems to be the path we're on. The Constitution of the United States not only guarantees Americans certain rights and liberties, it also requires citizens to rise up and hold the Government accountable if it denies those rights and liberties. Unfortunately, the Administration sees it differently.

Statutes which have been put into place are classified and, therefore, not subject to Judicial review. And so, it becomes legal to make it illegal for anyone to expose that the Government is operating illegally. (Yeah, you might want to reread that sentence to make sure you understand correctly.)

It is illegal to tell the public that the Government is doing something illegal. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this one. Of course, I'm not a Constitutional Lawyer. (But, I can read.)

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