Thursday, September 6, 2007

Tears, Tears, Tears...

With all that's going on in the world it's interesting to learn that Georgie decided to take the time to collaborate on writing a book. I don't recall hearing that particular 'campaign promise' during the last election, do you? "If elected, I promise to write a book." No, I don't believe so.

In the book -it's reported - the Prez reveals that he cries on God's shoulder - often. Hmmm. I haven't heard such a gut-renching, tear-jerking story since... Well, since the Prez's father revealed that he 'grieves' when he hears people criticized his son. Sad, so sad. Not!

If the Bush's would care to see real grieving, or tears, they might consider spending some time with the 3,700 plus families of our fallen soldiers.

Sympathy for Georgie and his Dad? Sorry, not today.

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