Monday, February 5, 2007

Teaching an old dog new tricks

I have to take a moment to say a word of thanks to someone I'm sure most Vloggers know, or know of - Ryanne Hodson. When I first discovered Vlogging, I was amazed and in awe. What a powerful new medium this is. I wanted to be involved, but - alas, I'm a Barney Rubble in a George Jetson world! Blogging, shmogging - I didn't know a thing. But after reading "Secrets of Videoblogging" [Michael Verdi, Ryanne Hodson, with Diana Weynand and Shirley Craig] and watching a vlog on compression Ryanne had posted on the web, I was able to start a website, upload video, and link to the videos. Amazing. Guess you can teach an old dog new tricks after all. Thanks Ryanne! It's always a blessing when someone takes the time to share themselves, and what they know, with the world.

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