Monday, December 30, 2013


If 2013 is remember for anything it should be 1) the year ‘Bed Head’ hair-do’s were accepted as fashionable and 2) the year people all over the globe rose up and told the ‘Powers-that-be’ “This is not the world we want”.

The first could be easily corrected with a good hairbrush or comb. The second, however, requires substantially more effort. And even though the ‘Powers-that-be’ have forcefully combatted the People, and turned a deaf ear to their voices, (to their own peril I might add) 2013 has laid the ground work for what will be the single largest Revolution ever. It will be a global redefining of – everything. I say it ‘will be’ because it is inevitable.

“Freedom,” Janis sang, “is just another word for nothing left to lose.” Sadly, there’s more truth to that than most realize.
And to my more fundamentally-minded friends I must say, the question isn't "What would Jesus do?" That's the wrong question to ask. The question you should be asking is, "What will you do?"