Having survived the Bush-Cheney regime, I watched (with great hope and expectation) President O'Bama's administration move into 1600 PA. Avenue and begin a new chapter of American history. My expectations were high, to say the least. But, like many others, I find myself growing somewhat anxious and skeptical as each day passes.
"Yes we can!" It was a battle cry for change. Sadly, the words seem more and more just another hollow political campagn slogan, designed to ignite the voters support and to offer the promise of hope - but little else.
Change - real change - seems a distant, and somewhat impossible, dream. At least if one thinks government will effect the change. It won't.
Foreclosures continue at unprecedented rates, unemployment continues to rise, and continued economic collapse looms on the horizon in the form of (collapsing) Commercial Properties and budget shortfalls. Hard times.
We have not seen the worst, even though we're told we're on the rebound. Little has changed. The big banks continue giving outlandish bonuses to themselves (this time the average is $700,000.00) while the residents of 'Main Street America' struggle even more. They continue to lobby effectively in Washington D.C., thwarting any real chance of reform. And, our elected officials seemingly find no difficulty in accepting the millions offered in campaign contributions ($209+ Million so far in 2009).
Is there any hope - real hope - that change can happen? You betcha! And it is coming. Not from government, however. It never does. It's coming from where it always comes: the people. Our government is fractured; broken and ineffective. Our people, however, are not. Granted, they've been used and abused - and many are battered and bruised - but we have always risen to the occasion when required to do so. And we will now. Watch for it. It's coming.
I have great faith in America. And by 'America', I mean Americans. We the People.