George Walker Bush – Number 43 - is:
(a) a moron
(b) stupid
(c) insane
(d) just doesn’t care
(e) all of the above
The correct answer, of course, is: (e)all of the above.
In nearly the same breath the Bush boy extolled the necessity of renewing the FISA bill then promised to veto the very same bill if it did not provide retroactive immunity for the Telecoms which acted illegally [as did the government] in spying on American citizens.
America’s security, which the idiot claimed would be threatened without FISA, is now being threatened by the Bush Regime. Immunity for the Telecoms or increased risk of attack by terrorists? Is that really what the Commander in Chief has threatened? Yes, it is.
The Congress approved a fifteen day extension of FISA, to allow for further discussion, consideration, and debate. ??? They’ve had a year to digest the contents of this legislation.
I would suggest the Congress allow the legislation to lapse. If they don’t, then they should extend the bill without the demanded immunity for the Telecoms. Then the Bush boy will have to decide what is more important – America’s security or the Telecoms immunity. He has already threatened the veto so we know where his interest lies, but forcing the insane man to go on record with his choice will preserve for posterity the fact that the fascist Bush boy is, in fact, the single greatest threat to America and its security.