Sunday, October 21, 2007

Just a thought...

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."

Albert Einstein

Friday, October 19, 2007

Aah! Couldn't have said it better.

Rep. Pete Stark (California) has a way with words. And, acoording to a CNN Poll, 88% of those polled agreed with him. (Click 'read more' for the whole story and a link to watch the video)

read more digg story

Outed CIA operative Valerie Plame: 'Serious damage' from leak

Wife of embattled war critic, largely believed to be the target of a Bush Administration hitjob, sits down with CBS' Katie Couric on 60 Minutes.

read more | digg story

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Martin Lee Anderson

A fourteen year old is dead. Dead.
And, no one – according to a Florida jury – is responsible. No one.
He was alive when taken to the Boot Camp. Now, he’s dead. Dead.
And, no one is responsible. No one.
How does that make any sense?
The video which captured the ‘smack-down’ by numerous uniformed men was seen across the country. It was shocking.
The video of the Judge reading the jury’s verdict was seen across the country too. It too, was shocking. Unbelievable and shocking.
A fourteen year old is dead. Dead.
And, no one is responsible. No one.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

LTG Ricardo Sanchez

Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez has joined the ranks of the retired who have now found their courage and their voice. Convenient. Where was his voice when it would have counted, when it might have made a difference? It was silent. Was the hope of a fourth star pinned to his shoulder worth his silence regarding the situation(s) in Iraq? No.

Friday, October 12, 2007

America - in review

We torture but - we don’t torture. How far will this administration go in trying to defend its indefensible self? Apparently, there is no limit. Even more shocking – and equally shameful – is how much the citizens of America will tolerate from this barbaric and shameless government.
Our social conscious is gone. Period. We have no defense, and there is no rationale that can – in any way, shape, or form – justify our actions and our inactions. History is replete with unacceptable excuses offered by societies in vain attempts to justify atrocities committed. They just don’t fly. They never have, and they never will.
Do we think we’re the exception? Apparently so, but it’s not true. We aren’t exempt. Human decency is not a uniquely American virtue. And, even if it were, it would no longer be, given this perverse administration’s actions. Lies, deceptions, half truths - It’s enough already. Enough!
No American who has read a newspaper or watched a television newscast can excuse themselves. We are, one and all, without excuse. And each day that passes by that we don’t demand accountability, is another day of complicity. How will history recount our society’s behavior? How will history record what we have done? – and haven’t done?
Every virtuous or noble ideal that we once held dear now serves to condemn us. We have traded our values, our beliefs, and in many ways, our souls, for a false sense of security. What does that say of us? What will history say of us? We are not the only ones who record and document events. Historians world-wide will write – as they always do – of the events that occurred during this period. And they will do so without a politically partisan perspective. Facts will be documented, occurrences noted, and actions recorded. What picture of America will that paint? A land which claims such high ideals yet acts in ways so contrary to those ideals that it defies logic? What other picture can be portrayed?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Just so you know...

American dead