Today the President 'pledged' to 'urge Congress'... Ack! Sometimes the political rhetoric is hard to swallow. What is it about our government, which willingly sends hundreds of billions of dollars around the world, but leaves Americans to sink or swim, do for themselves, and make it on their own?
With an economic disaster looming on the horizon, Georgie voiced 'empathy' for those Americans about to lose their homes, but promised the economic changes would be 'a soft landing'. Huh? Tony Snow, Press Secretary, stated 'There will be plenty of time for backseat driving'. Again, huh? Is that another new 'buzz phrase' (like 'the blame game' phrase made popular during the Katrina disaster) which is intended to stop criticism of, and accountability from, Georgie Jr.? Oh, wait... Georgie has already said that 'history will judge him', so we're really not allowed to critique his performance (or lack of) during his administration. How convenient. Do all future Presidents get this 'free ride' too?
Our current Prez, of course, has a long history of not having to deal with the consequences of his actions (or lack of). Unfortunately, we, as a country, won't enjoy the same luxury.